How to Increase The Power of Activated Carbon With 150%

How to increase the power of activated carbon by as much as 150%

Here is a new method for using activated carbon, which increase its power 100% – 150%. Rather than costing more, however, it actually saves on the activated carbon used. And it is based on know-how only: how to use the carbon the smart way so it can work to its full potential.

This information is developed by us for the home distillers world wide and first published by us the year 2000.

If you use a tube filled with granulated carbon you will end up with good alcohol. But it will not be completely purified, because you must know and do the following:

1. If the tube has a diameter less then a certain measurement, there will be a wall-effect in which alcohol slips though without being purified.

2. The carbon must be treated in a specific way so the alcohol will filter through the granulate. If you filter through dry activated carbon or filter water before the alcohol, purification will not occur.

3. If the tube not is loaded with activated carbon in a specific way, there will be a channeling effect, and the alcohol slips through without being purified.

4. If the tube not is loaded with carbon in a specific way, there will be air pockets left in the tube,stopping the carbon from working properly.

5. If the carbon not is pre-treated in a specific way, there will be air pockets left inside the carbon, stopping the carbon from working properly.

6. If the carbon not is pre-treated in a special way, certain water-soluble substances will, at the beginning of the filtration, increase pH from 7 to 9 or 10, stopping the carbon from working properly. And you will drink those substances (salts).

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