Swedish Vodka is a high quality vodka based on only the finest natural ingredients. Serve as shot or with coffee. Mix with orange juice or cola.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with alcohol and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Bison Vodka is a fresh and aromatic vodka spiced with bison grass. The color also comes from bison grass, and the flavour is similar to lemon/lime. Good as schnapps or mixed with grapefruit, tonic, Cola, etc.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Lemon Vodka is a lightly spiced lemon vodka. Drink neat or mix with orange, lemon or pineapple juice, Schweppe´s® Russian, etc.
Instructions: Pour contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka. Shake bottle to mix, then fill up bottle with vodka & shake until contents are fully blended.
Moscow Vodka is a classic Russian vodka. Drink neat or mixed with carbonated drinks or orange juice.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
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