Baccara Rum is a classic white rum. Drink with cola, orange, lemon or pineapple juice.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Marty Romin Brandy is a mild brandy. Drink neat or mix with carbonated drinks or chocolate milk.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Cuban Rum is a traditional rum. Drink neat or in long drinks. Try Cuba Libre, mix rom and cola.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Regnet´s Whisky is a mild and soft whisky. Drink neat or mixed with carbonated drinks.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Hanson Rhum is a classic brown Jamaican rum. drink with cola, orange or pinapple juice, etc.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.
Austrian Rum is a very strong tasting barrelstored Austrian dark rum. Drink mixed with cola or tea.
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 75 cl (US 25 fl oz) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake the bottle. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended.